ISBN: 9791091986069
Publisher: FloreSoleil/SanQin
Date de parution: 10/2016
Civilisation, archéologie
et art
Format: beaux-livres
Number of Pages: 164
Version: anglaise, française
This book is co-published with Sanqin Press and is selected by the State Publishing of China for its project "China classics international".
Thang-Kga is the Tibetan transliteration of scroll painting drawn on the brocade satin, fabric, and paper with the different pigments. 'Thang' means the canvas, in Tibetan refers to small or boundless space, it is equal to put on it one or hundreds even thousands Buddha. 'Kga' means to fill the space with pigments. The main themes of Thang-Kga are original from Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and Bon religion. The methods of painting the colours include apply, sketch, fine brushwork, and dye. Tibetan people believe that the drawing process of Thang-Kga is also that of practice Buddhism. Because, during the painting, the painter calms his soul while following the soul of Buddha. Every draw and every colour are full of energy and spirituality. When the painter has physically and mentally arrived the sublimation, he has entered a purity realm, the Buddha realm.The Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is searching the meaning of birth and death, and the result of causality in the universe. Thang-Kga illustrates its doctrine by the images and the languages of Buddha. It is a fusion of spirit and colours.
This book wishes enter this special colourful spiritual world together with the readers.
Tibetan Tantric Buddhism figures
Pure Land-Altar
Geography-Celestial Body
List of Thang-Kga and
Index of principal buddhist concepts
Dr. Juan Shen, visiting researcher of the Center of Civilization, Institute of Heritage in Peking University.
Dr. Zhao Rong, director of Bureau of Cultural Relics in Shaanxi Province.
Mr. Zhao Qian, director of the Museum of Regong art, Huangnan, Qinghai province.

ISBN: 979109198601-4
Publisher: FloreSoleil / Sanqin
Publication date: 10/2013
Civilization, Archaeology
and Art
Format: Fine books
Number of Pages: 164
Version: English, French
This book is co-published with Sanqin Press and is selected by the State Publishing of China for its project "China classics international".
Amitabha and the Pure Land is a Buddhist school in the Tang Dynasty. This school is looking for an ideal world like heaven. This book presents the sutras and wishes of Amitayus Buddha on the Pure Land, an ideal buddhist.
Pure Land is a fantasy of a perfect world. It is a paradise where the life of Buddha and the nature harmony. All earthly beings could be Buddhas if they have values of Buddhism. These values can be found in the sutras of Amitayus seeking a long life as wishes of human .
In today's world, the concept of the Pure Land offers a fantasy for an ideal life on the coexistence of human and nature.
Chapter I Amitabha and the Pure Land
Amitabha Sutra
Amitayus Sutra
Sutra of Amitayus Sutra's view
Other origins of Pure Land
Chapter II Propagation of the Pure Land
Chapter III Temple Xiangji
Historical origin
Today's temple Xiangji
Pure Land in Japan
Wen Jun is a researcher at the Museum of the History of Shaanxi. Her field is the art of Chinese Buddhism, especially the pure land of Xiangji temple. |